Bergabung dengan Asosiasi Antropologi Indonesia

Kembangkan potensi kerabat agar menjadi relevan dan kredibel

Daftar Sekarang
Pemudi Indonesia Berhijab Berdiri di Depan Gedung
Pemuda Indonesia dengan Helm
Pemuda Indonesia di depan Tembok

Menghadapi Tantangan dan Peluang Baru

Kami mengorganisir program dan kegiatan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan profesional dan posisi anggota AAI untuk bisa terlibat dengan para pembuat kebijakan serta memberdayakan masyarakat; dalam upaya yang strategis dan sesuai dengan apa yang kami sebut sebagai “Cara Antropologi” yang memanusiakan.

Suraya A. Afiff
Ketua Umum AAI 2021-2026

  • Foto Pinky Saptandari Wisjnubroto
  • Foto Meutia Farida Hatta Swasono
  • Foto Nurmala Kartini Sjahrir
Tokoh selanjutnya

Singkat AAI

AAI didirikan oleh para Antropolog pendiri ilmu Antropologi di Indonesia, yakni Prof. Dr. Koentjaraningrat (the founding father) dari Universitas Indonesia, Prof Dr. Usman Pelly dari Universitas Sumatera Utara, Prof. Dr. Mattulada dari Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar, dan sejumlah tokoh Antropologi Indonesia lainnya seperti Prof. Dr. S. Budhisantoso, Prof. Dr. Meutia F. Swasono, Dr. Kartini Sjahrir, Dr. Rahardjo, Prof Dr. E. K. M. Masinambouw, Prof Dr. Sjafri Sairin, Prof. Dr. P.M. Laksono dan banyak tokoh Antropologi lainnya di Indonesia. Asosiasi ini telah disemai tumbuhkan pada tanggal 12 Maret 1983. Sejalan dengan waktu, Asosiasi ini terus berusaha eksis di dalam mencapai kematangan organisasi yang telah berusia tiga dekade.

Prof. Dr. Koentjaraningrat

Kegiatan Kami

Kegiatan Kami lainnya


  • Antropologi Indonesia

    The Journal of Antropologi Indonesia

    ANTROPOLOGI INDONESIA was published to develop and enrich scientific discussion for scholars focusing on socio-cultural issues in Indonesia. This journal applies a peer-reviewed process in selecting high-quality articles. Editors welcome article submissions based on original research findings and/or new theoretical positions within contemporary debates pertaining to anthropology, Indonesian studies and beyond. Authors are solely responsible for the contents of their submissions. Published articles do not necessarily reflect the position or opinions of the editors. The criteria of the submitted manuscripts are expected to touch one or more of the following themes: ethnographic/qualitative research findings on topics related to, or comparatively relevant to, socio-cultural issues in Indonesia; discussion of applied and collaborative research on development or policy-related engagements highlighting social, political, and cultural issues in Indonesia and beyond; elaborated discussions on current theoretical, methodological or ethical issues facing anthropologist in Indonesia and beyond; and last, critical reviews of anthropology-related literature and ethnographic monographs published within the last 3 years.

    Kunjungi Website
  • Handep

    Handep: Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya

    Handep is a form of cooperation based on an agreement made by the Dayak Ngaju society. As the Dayak Ngaju society collaborates in their activities, Handep Journal philosophies to cooperate in disseminating historical and cultural information from all over Indonesia. Handep is published periodically twice a year (December - June) with the main scope of history and culture. Strongly prioritize writings that can contain the issue of Kalimantan.<br /> <br /> Handep: Journal of History and Culture is a series on the publication of historical and cultural study with No. ISSN 2614-0209 (Print), No. ISSN 2684-7256 (Online), Prefix DOI: 10.33652 published by Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Kalimantan Barat. Handep is established in 2017 according to the decree No. 220/E31/KP/2017, dated March 30th, 2017. Handep has been accredited by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology under decree number 204/E/KPT/2022 on October 3rd, 2022 and indexed Science and Technology Index 3 (SINTA 3) since Vol.5 No.1, December 2021. Since Vol.4 No.1, December 2020, Handep has been cooperating with Indonesian Anthropological Association (AAI) which will facilitate and promote Handep’s publication in a broader scope.

    Kunjungi Website
  • Umbara

    Umbara: Indonesian Journal of Anthropology

    UMBARA Indonesian Journal of Anthropology is a peer-reviewed and open access journal covering variety of topics in anthropology and it subdisciplines, such as (but not limited to) linguistic anthropology, medical anthropology, political anthropology, anthropology of gender and sexuality, ethnicity, anthropology of development, religion, kinship, digital and visual anthropology, ethno-ecology, ethnobotany, economic anthropology, tourism anthropology, anthropology of art, and more. UMBARA invites both established as well as young scholars to present their research results, theoretical and methodical discussions, and review of relevant books. Articles can be submitted in Indonesian and English.

    Kunjungi Website

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